Understanding the language of attraction

By Tony Ngare

We have heard that ‘willing’ women send out signals to men more or less like animals. Intelligent men can detect and read these signals in a matter of seconds. The earliest indicators are often the dress and the body language.

It’s incredibly easy for a woman to attract attention from men. Just wear skin-tight, thigh-length, revealing clothing. If this does not ignite a street riot I don’t know what would. You will get lots of male attention. But will it be the kind of attention you want? Fishermen say that the bait you use determines the fish you catch.

If a woman wants to have an appeal that attracts the right kind of man, there are a number of things she’s got to have, argues our very own Stella.

Confidence is the number one attraction. Being confident with yourself and your surroundings will attract someone equal to you, she argues. What about appearance, I challenge her. "Appearance is also a big issue", she insists. Your appearance and body language may catch his attention, but it takes personality and charm to sustain a man’s interest, she reasons. Ever since she went back to school she has become a philosopher.

Be presentable

Franco opines that it is critical that you are presentable all the time. "Some women don’t realise that they only have one chance to make a good first impression. If I see you at your worst then I may not want to have a second look," Frao says.

Girls, make him feel important by focusing your full attention on him. Fine, we admit you are good at multi-tasking. But it would help a great deal if he perceived himself to be the greatest thing to you after the winged pads.

And most important, laugh at his jokes no matter how stale.

Stella cautions against trying to be something you are not. He will be falling for a false idol and will not want to know you when he sees the real you. Let him know you are different from all the rest. Emphasise your originality by standing out from the crowd.

Ultimately, give a man a reason to think about you. Wear a lingering fragrance that haunts his memory, soft clothes that he yearns to touch and a smile that he can’t get out of his mind. And don’t forget to leave a little something to the imagination. An air of mystery can be provocative and appealing to a man.

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