Sneaky little sister is preying on my husband

By Mami Kamami

I am getting increasingly uncomfortable with the growing friendship between my husband Patty and my little sister Stacey. It started with him opening up to her about our marital problems. Stacey is one to gloat about anyone’s misfortunes –– especially mine. She has always behaved as if we are in some sort of a competition.

What infuriates me however is that my husband finds it easier to open up to my no-brainer sister than me. I would rather he had gone to a counsellor or my other sister Doreen, or a stranger in a bank queue.

Dangerous game

The other day, I came home at 7pm in the evening to find Patty and Stacey home, playing with my daughter Kamami. Since when did Patty begin coming home before 10pm, and to play with his daughter? When I asked him, Stacey informed me that she had insisted he come home early because — apparently — he was working too hard. That was hard to take. I had lost count of the times I had requested, even begged Patty to be home early so as to spend time with me –– us. Now my little sister- who was in my house so we could keep track on her after a husband stealing episode that left her with a black eye was having the sway on my hubby to be home early! Suddenly, I didn’t want him home early. I didn’t trust Stacey around him one little bit.

One day when they walked into the house together at 11.00pm, laughing recklessly and reeking of beer I knew this had to stop.

"Stacey, where are you coming from at this hour? And why are you drunk?" I went trying hard to hold back the emotion in my voice.

"Sasa Mum, I told her I would give her a lift home. I bought her the drinks," Patty defended her.

"I didn’t ask you Patty, "and you," I said turning to Stacey. "If you are going to live under my roof, you abide by my rules. You cannot stay in my house and walk in at whatever time you want, drunk. I will have to ask you to find another place to stay."

Patty opened his mouth to defend her again but seeing the look on my face opted to keep quiet. I felt mean for having done that. We all knew that the issue had nothing to do with her coming home late but I didn’t care.

Kicking out temptation

When I called my best friend Karen to look for affirmation the best she could do was laugh at me.

"You think kicking your pretty sister out of your house will prevent a man from straying?" she queried me. "If a man is bound to cheat, he will cheat no matter what you do. Fidelity is a choice, my dear. We have seen men with the supermodel wives stray, sembuse normal women like us?

I knew that. But I wasn’t going to keep the temptation right inside my own house.

"Don’t you appreciate that at least, she made Patty come home early? I thought that was what you wanted?" Karen continued.

Of course I had wanted Patty to spend more time at home. But if the price to pay for that was having sneaky little sister encroaching onto him, no thank you.

"That is too high a price to pay Karen. If he is coming him, let me know he is coming home to his family. Otherwise he can continue staying wherever he has been staying," I told her.