What would President Ruto and Gen Z X's Space dialogue be like?


President William Ruto. (Courtesy)

In a bid to bridge the gap between the government and the youth, President William Ruto expressed his willingness to engage with Kenyan youth on X Spaces (formerly Twitter Spaces).

This innovative approach follows his acknowledgment of the youth's desire for direct and transparent communication channels.

During the recent round table with seasoned journalists (Eric Latiff, Linus Kaikai, and Joe Ageyo) at State House, President Ruto was asked if he would join X Spaces to engage with the disgruntled youth, particularly those from Generation Z.

He responded in the affirmative, saying, "In the next one week, we must have this conversation in the space where you want. I am sending you guys, one of you to set up the space this week, maybe Thursday or Friday, why not? I will be there."

How X Spaces work

X Spaces are live audio conversations on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter). They function similarly to live radio shows or podcasts but with interactive features that allow for real-time engagement.

Users can start a Space by tapping the "Compose" button and selecting the "Spaces" option. The host can name the Space, set a topic, and choose who can speak. Users can join a Space by tapping on a link in their timeline or through a shared link.

Once in, they can listen to the conversation or request to speak by tapping the "Request" button, subject to the host's approval.

The host manages the Space, speakers contribute to the conversation,  react with emojis or request to speak. Interactive features such as emoji reactions and pinned tweets help enhance the discussion.

The dynamics of the dialogue

The dialogue on X Spaces between President Ruto and Gen Z promises to be an interactive and dynamic session.

The conversation will likely begin with an introduction by the host, who will outline the agenda and rules. President Ruto will make his opening remarks, explaining the purpose of the dialogue and what he hopes to achieve.

Participants will join the Space as listeners and can request to speak, allowing for a real-time exchange of ideas and concerns.

The conversation will be moderated to ensure it remains focused and orderly. The host will manage requests to speak and can mute or unmute speakers during the conversation.

Pinned Tweets

Pinned tweets and resources will be used to highlight key points and provide context during the discussion.

Key topics likely to be addressed include: Employment opportunities for the youth, education reforms, technological advancements, digital inclusion, and civic engagement.

The president's willingness to listen and respond to the youth's concerns is a significant step towards inclusive governance.

"When I suggested the multi-sectoral approach, I thought we were going to organise ourselves and this is how we are going to participate. And by the way, I wanted the whole of that set-up to be about young people; civil society, young people; religious organisations, young people; professional bodies, young people," Ruto explained.

Concerns and potential challenges

While President Ruto's willingness to have the conversation has been well received, it comes amidst a backdrop of significant tension.

Planned demonstrations for Thursday are still on the agenda, leaving many to wonder if the X conversation will replace the demos or if they will still continue.

Many Gen Z protesters have expressed their dissatisfaction with the President due to recent events. Currently, 39 people are dead and scores injured in incidences attributed to the heavy-handed police response to protests.

This anger could translate into a heated dialogue on X Spaces, with participants using the platform to voice their frustrations.

The conversation could get intense, given the emotions and stakes involved. However, the format allows for real-time moderation, which can help manage the flow of the discussion and keep it constructive.

Participants are encouraged to express their feelings and concerns, but the structure aims to maintain a respectful and productive environment.

As Kenyans gear up for the conversation, participants can expect a structured yet flexible dialogue, with President Ruto summarising key points and outlining any immediate actions or follow-up steps at the end.

"Whether it is Thursday, Friday... mkipangana mimi niko," he said.

This dialogue not only promises to address the pressing issues facing Kenyan youth but also sets the stage for ongoing communication and collaboration between the government and the younger generation.

The outcome of this dialogue could play a crucial role in shaping future interactions and the political landscape in Kenya.

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