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Elizabeth Nalem, the Kenyan mother, who ‘wedded’ the Holy Spirit last week in Makutano town, West Pokot County, will be travelling to Amudat District in Uganda for her honeymoon and serving her God.
The Standard met with her at Ngotut area West Pokot County on her way to Amudat.
She said God spoke to her and told her to traverse the world and spread the Gospel.
Nalem said she started walking from Makutano after her wedding and was directed to visit Uganda for a crusade while on her honeymoon.
"I talked to my husband and told him to take care of my children. I am being guided by the Holy Spirit. When He tells me to go back home, I will but right now He hasn't," she said.
Nalem said she closed her eatery, disowned her husband and won't go back to her town council officer job she accomplishes her mission.
"God has shown (sic) me to travel to the United States when am done with Uganda. He told me to traverse the world but I told him I won't be able and requested him to recruit other members to help me in spreading the gospel," she said.
She added that her husband had pleaded with her to go back home but she had refused until her newly ‘wedded’ Spirit husband granted her permission.
"God knows how my children will eat I have left them in God’s hands,” she said.