Bar owners want former Naivasha MP John Mututho to fight illicit liquor

By Antony Gitonga

NAIVASHA, KENYA: Naivasha Bar Owners are now challenging the new NACADA chairman John Mututho to deal with the issue of licensing and illicit liquor when he assumes office. 

A day after the former Naivasha Mp was appointed as the chairman of the anti-drugs body, the traders said that they had no problem working with him. 

After his loss in the 2013 elections, Mututho blamed the bar owners for working for his downfall an allegation the traders have since denied. 

The chairman of the bar owners John Muraya said that consumption of illicit brews and drugs was on the increase across the country. 

"We don’t have any problem with the appointment but there should be no personal vendetta and Mututho should deal with illicit brews and support legal enterprises," he said. 

Addressing the press in Naivasha Muraya who was flanked by his secretary Joseph Maina noted that the high license fees had led to an increase in illegal beer dens. 

On his part Maina said that the alcoholic control act had ended up antagonizing legal businesses as illicit brewers had field days. 

"There is an increase in counterfeit and second generation brews and Mututho should first address this," said Maina. 

Earlier Mututho welcomed the appointment and thanked the president saying that he was ready to serve the country. 

"Am delighted by this opportunity and I promise to serve all Kenyans fairly and deal with the issue of drugs and illicit brews that are threatening our youths," he said.