Timau to host first polo tournament

By Feverpitch Reporter

North Kenya Club in Timau will host the opening polo tournament this year during the May 27-29 and June 3-5 weekends.

The calendar released yesterday by KPA chairman Brian Perry has the second event, the Nairobi Polo Club on the June 24-26 weekend and the following weekend for the fight for the Cavalry.

Kigen (left) and Gideon Moi during last year’s polo tournament in Timau.

Kenya Open, the biggest and most prestigious polo tournament, will again be at the Nairobi Polo Club in September, with the six-eight-goal event on the 9-11 weekend and the 12-goal version a week later.

Players will return to Timau for the third tournament during the July 22-24 and July 29-31 weekends. Officials say Zambian men’s team is expected.

The Mugs Mug and Connaught tournaments will be at the Manyatta Club in Gilgil on August 18-21 and August 26-28.

They will be followed by traditional tours of Arusha at the Dolly Club (October 14-16 and October 21-23). Manyatta Christmas tournament will end the season in Gilgil on December 10-12 and 16-18.

It is not yet known who, among the world’s stars, will come this year.

South African top player Sbu Duma played for Isuzu during last year’s tournament. Other top players were Argentines — brothers Santiago and Fernando and Francisco Ortiz Massey.

Local players expected at the season opener are Philip Arungah, the Moi brothers Kigen and Kimoi, Raphael Nzomo, Gideon Moi, Mbu Ngugi, Dominic Grammaticas, Devin Shretta, Tony Cordeiro, and debutant Hiromi Nzomo, among others.