Heavenly scents for your home

By Pocyline Karani

For some inexplicable reasons, the culture of scents was barely a way of life in native Africa except for communities living along the Indian Ocean coast who borrowed this lifestyle from the Eastern and Arab worlds.

Today, the culture of scents is global and is buoyed by heavy importation of luxurious essential oils, alcohol fragrances and oriental incense.

Exquisitely enchanting scents are ‘godly’ for their ability to evoke a wide array of pleasant feelings. Believe it or not, scents are not only capable of uplifting your mood but also enhancing wisdom, courage, love and a horde of other positive feelings. So imagine what a wonderful and pleasing feeling it would be walking into a room that whiffs of some of the most enticing scents.

Aromatherapy is the science of mind and body health via scents extracted from volatile plant materials known as essential oils and aromatic compounds. The therapy strives to improve a person’s mood and cognitive function or health. Its origin dates back to centuries ago.

Experiment with oils

Incorporating pleasing scents into your living space is crucial as it enhances lightened moods, relaxation and warmth. Take a journey into this pleasant land by experimenting with scents and essential oils.

In the evening, come back to the scent of deep woody tones of frankincense, for instance. Woody tones are available in scented candles and give deeply soothing aromas with top notes of warm orange to soften. These aromas work wonders on the body by slowing down breathing and relaxing it to produce that much desired feeling of calmness.

Lavender induces calmness and soothes high-strung nerves. According to experts, such scents prompt the release of a neurotransmitter compound known as serotonin that plays a key role in transforming moods, sleep, sexuality and appetite. In fact, lavender is prescribed to people with sleeping disorders.

Just as the smell of gentle, soft and velvety petals of roses evoke a feeling of love, so does extracts of essential oils floral in nature as they give a blend of nurturing and comfort. Floral scents help lift the heart and allow love to flow to self and other.

Aphrodisiac qualities

To beat stress and boost courage, spray your room with fragrances based on bay leaves, commonly used locally to give rice a delicate aroma. Alternatively, burn rose scented candles to help ease stress as it acts as a natural sedative and anti-depressant.

Roses and the rare ylang ylang are known to have aphrodisiac qualities and works as a great antiseptic without the strong medicinal smells that evoke memories of hospitals.

To warm up a room, scents that contain traces of ginger mixed with exotic lemongrass help fight colds. Combine that with drinking hot water mixed with lemon grass and ginger, which is a great remedy for flu and colds.

End a sad mood with scents that evoke good memories. Some scents trigger favourite memories or remind one of something delightful. When sad, burn incense or scented candles. In addition, spray whiffs that evoke good memories such as vanilla and spices.

When spending a day indoors, enhance the feeling by filling the space with scents of citrus, pine, lemon or orange. These scents are great in energizing and regenerating a sluggish mood.