
I will not be stopped, warns Ruto as allies rail against Judiciary

President William Ruto with First Lady Rachel during a church service at AIC Sugutek in Soy, Uasin Gishu County. [PCS]

President William Ruto has urged for collaboration between different arms of government, stressing that unity is crucial for national progress.

Speaking during a Sunday service at the AIC Sugutek in Soy, Uasin Gishu, Ruto said the Judiciary, Legislature and the Executive should avoid unnecessary competition.

“We need a changed country and only unity of all leaders across all sectors, including the Judiciary, will help us forge ahead,” he said. “We will not move forward if we keep fighting against each other. We need to agree on important matters so that we can transform this country.”

He urged leaders to focus on solutions instead of divisive politics. “We have only one mission, to serve the people of this country.”

He, however, claimed some people were using the courts to hinder development, pledging to stand by initiatives like affordable housing and healthcare.

He pointed out what he called the irony of employed individuals opposing such projects while enjoying comprehensive medical care.

“I will not be silent when a few people are going to the courts to stop these noble projects,” he said.

The President highlighted his commitment to transforming the country, calling for swift action to address food security concerns.

“There are people who still sleep hungry because our food production is insufficient, and we cannot depend on imports. We must sort out unemployment, food security and health care ensuring that people get treatment even for chronic diseases like cancer,” he added.

He noted that billions of money was spent on food imports annually, emphasizing the need to boost domestic production through initiatives like water harvesting, irrigation projects, and increased fertiliser availability.

“The Agricultural Finance Corporation AFC will get Sh3 billion more to help farmers get loans that can help them in their farming,” he said, adding that this will help “end the shame of hunger in our country.”

The President acknowledged the role of the World Bank in supporting Kenya’s food security efforts.

While even as he spoke, some Kenya Kwanza leaders continued criticising the Judiciary.

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gladys Shollei asked the President to leave the matters about the Judiciary to the Kenya Kwanza legislators, vowing to deal with the courts.

“I have never failed you and I will not fail you on this. Leave this to us. We shall deal with the Judiciary,” she said.

The Uasin Gishu Woman Rep claimed the Judiciary was derailing the government’s policies and plans.

“It will never happen again. I will not tell you what we will do with them, but we shall deal with the ignorance of the Judiciary. It shall be done, and your policies shall pass.”

Ainabkoi MP Samuel Chepkonga claimed that the Judiciary is overstepping its mandate and argued that leaders claiming to be litigating for the public are doing so for selfish interests.

“The Judiciary is seeking to intervene in policy-making when they are supposed to interpret the law,” he said.

“What we have seen in this country is judicial adventurism. People who have gone beyond the reach of what they are supposed to do. We ask our judiciary to take our criticism positively.”