Ruto and I are joined at the hip, says Gachagua

President William Ruto (left) and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua during National Breakfast Prayer meeting at Safari Park in Nairobi in June 2023. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Naysayers may doubt the budding relationship between Kenya's President and his deputy, but not Rigathi Gachagua himself.

The Deputy President has defended his relationship with Ruto, assuring that the duo are friends.

In a post on his X account, Gachagua said their relationship is thriving despite them rarely being seen together.

"President William Ruto and I are joined at the hip. We talk on a daily basis. My relationship with him top-notch," wrote Gachagua.

His remarks come days after the president appointed Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi as the Foreign Affairs Minister.

This has drawn attention from sections of Kenyans who still struggle to understand the role of the Prime CS.

But Gachagua moved to dispel any speculation on his relations with the president, as has been rumored in political circles.

"He has mandated me with a great responsibility because he understands my output," the DP said.

Haiti Mission

Showing support to his boss, Gachagua said that the Wednesday's Cabinet reshuffle aims at ensuring delivery of services to the people of Kenya.

Additionally, decisions like sending Kenyan troop to Haiti improves Kenya's reputation as the policemen have a very good track record across the world.

"The UN Security Council, after thoroughly checking on the output of our police officers, they recommended them to join forces with other officers across the world to bring order in Haiti. The UN has given our officers affirmation that they can be entrusted as the best in calming chaos and bringing order," he said.

According to the DP, he will continue to support such initiatives by the President and work with him until the end of their five-year tenure.