Senator Okenyuri sponsors bill to protect street vendors

"The objective of this bill that I have sponsored in the Senate is to provide a standard framework to entrench the right to informal trading, for the designation and use of public space for informal trading and for the effective organization and regulation of informal trading in the country," said Okenyuri.

The bill states the Cabinet Secretary for Trade should keep and maintain a data base in collaboration with county governments of a national registry of street vendors in Kenya, prescribe in consultation with county governments and relevant stakeholders the minimum standards for the conduct of street vending and regulation of street vendors in Kenya.

The Cabinet Secretary will be required to utilize data collected by county governments relating to street vending and street vendors in Kenya for planning and efficient management of vending and trade in counties, prescribe standards for the imposition of fees and other charges payable for the registration and licensing.

Trade Cabinet Secretary shall prescribe in consultation with the relevant entities responsible for planning and infrastructure, standards and guidelines for the proper planning and design of street vending zones and carry out any other activity incidental or conducive to the carrying out of its functions under the Act or regulations made under the Act.

"Each county executive committee member in charge of Trade in all the 47 Counties shall be required through a notice in the county Gazette, demarcate and designate the county into restriction-free vending zones, restricted vending zones or no-vending zones," said Okenyuri.

Nairobi county government askaris arrest a hawker who was selling his goods along Muindi Mbingu street on Decemebr 24, 2022. [Collins Kweyu, Standard]

"A street vendor shall be relocated by the county executive committee member in such manner as may be prescribed by county legislation, relocation shall not take place unless the county government has installed or provided essential facilities such as water, lighting, security and waste disposal facilities in the area to which the vendor is to be relocated," said Okenyuri.

The bill recommends that a street vendor who, after the expiry of the specified notice period, fails to relocate or vacate the place specified in the vending license, shall be liable to pay for every day of default a fine not exceeding ten thousand shillings or as may be determined by the county government.

The bill states that where a street vendor's goods or assets utilised for their street vending activities are confiscated under this Act, the officer confiscating the goods shall issue the street vendor with a receipt detailing the specific goods confiscated and the approximate value of the goods.

"The vendor should be informed of the reasons for confiscation, the location from which the goods may be recovered, the time within which the confiscated goods must be recovered and such other information as may be prescribed by county legislation," said Okenyuri.