DP to media: We will hit back at you

He said the same way the media had been dishing it to the government in the form of criticism, the government would similarly dish it back to the media. He was conferring over 4,000 graduands with degrees and certificates.

"You have seen nothing, we want to ask leaders in the country to hold the people of the press accountable for what they write and say. People of the press, welcome to the new Kenya you hit us in the morning we hit you in the evening, and as days go we will know each other," Gachagua said.

He said the press must stick to values of accountability and objectivity and ensure they disseminate factual news. Gachagua said that the media must be accustomed to a new way of doing things stating that the government will henceforth counter incorrect information given to the public.

He made the statement days after CS Kuria vowed he will not apologise for the slur against the media after an expose on edible oils that saw Kenyans lose value for their money in the importation of non-taxed goods in the country. A move that had been plotted to lower the cost of essential items in the country.

"I want to challenge universities to increase research funding for the creation of solutions to the numerous challenges facing the country including joblessness, climate change, and health among others," Machogu said.

His sentiments were echoed by Gachagua who said the country is staring at a joblessness crisis. The number of jobless persons grew 2.94 per cent from 2.89 million in September, according to the Kenya National Bureau, KNBS, Statistics data released on Monday.