Monday Senate special sitting to decide Siaya DG fate

Siaya County Deputy Governor William Oduol during day two of his impeachment hearing at County Hall, Parliament, Nairobi on June 21, 2023 [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

Speaker Amason Kingi has called for a special Senate sitting on Monday, June 26.

The sitting will be held to consider a report by a committee on the impeachment of Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol.

The announcement by Kingi was made through a Gazette Notice dated June 22.

"This notice is given to all Senators that pursuant to standing order 33 (1) of the Senate Standing Orders, on the request of the Senate Majority Leader and with the support of the requisite number of Senators, I have appointed Monday, 26th June 2023, as a day for a special sitting of the Senate," the notice reads.

"The sitting shall be held in the Senate Chamber, Main Parliament Buildings, Ground Floor, Nairobi, commencing at 2.30 p.m."

"The business to be transacted at the sitting shall be the consideration of the Report of the Special Committee on the Proposed Removal from Office, by impeachment, of the Deputy Governor of Siaya County."

The 11-member special committee of the Senate had earlier held a two-day hearing where the Members of the Siaya County Assembly tabled evidence against Odoul.

Oduol also got the chance to defend himself and prove his allegations against MCAs and Governor James Orengo.

The MCAs through their lawyer Willis Otieno accused the DG of interfering with the procurement process, forcing people to renovate his office, bullying and misleading the people of Siaya.

They also accused Oduol of procuring an Sh1.12 million chair and requesting a renovation of his office.

Oduol however denied the accusations saying that the MCAs are shifting their attention from embezzling of funds by the governor and focusing on accusations that lacked evidence or witnesses to support them. He also accused the MCAs of receiving a bribe to oust him.

The Deputy Governor becomes the second lawmaker since the August 2022 elections to be impeached by MCAs after Meru County Governor, Kawira Mwangaza.

All eyes are now on the Senate as Kenyans await the final verdict.