President returns to woo Western amid 'raw deal' murmurs

President William Ruto and deputy Rigathi Gachagua with Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka during a past event. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

President William Ruto is already trying to wrestle regions that traditionally vote for Azimio leader Raila Odinga to his side.

Today, the President will tour Western Kenya in what political pundits view as an attempt to silence murmurs that he had given the Mulembe nation a raw deal when it comes to bringing development projects and government appointments to the region.

This is despite Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula playing a key role in his victory.

"It's true the President will be in Kakamega County on a development tour tomorrow (Saturday)," said Farouk Kibet, an aide to the President in a phone interview.

However, Farouk was guarded on what exactly Ruto was coming to do in the county.

According to Butali/Chegulo ward rep, Kevin Mahelo, who is one of Ruto's point men in the county said that he will come to commission phase one of Malava - Kimang'eti road which he said has been tarmacked.

"He launched the road when serving as Deputy President and the road that is around 20 kilometres is ready for commissioning. Ruto will also launch phase two of the road for tarmacking from Malava - Samitsi- Nambacha - Musikoma in Bungoma County which is about 35 kilometres," said Mahelo.

At the same time, Ruto is expected to address the growing feeling in the region of his failure to fulfill his campaign pledges of reviving the ailing sugar and cotton sector in the region.

Recently, leaders from the region led by Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka, Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale, and a host of MPs ganged up against the President and opposed his plans to sell Nzoia and Mumias sugar companies.

Instead, they challenged the President to fulfill his earlier promise of procuring a new crushing mill for the Nzoia Sugar factory.