
Uproar over replacement of lawmakers in crucial committee of Parliament

This did not go well with some Jubilee legislators.

Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo rose on a point of order and wondered why the sudden change, saying she could not understand why Jubilee was not well represented.

"There is no formal communication that Jubilee has left Azimio coalition. I have seen that the list has been changed and Jubilee is not properly represented in the House Business Committee, therefore I totally reject the list," she said

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei said: "There are some names missing, people who have experience and have served long in this House. I am appealing to the Minority side to please follow the rule of law. It's clear that political witch-hunt is being used for vindictiveness," he said.

But the Minority side said changes have been made to remove members who do not share their interests.

"This is not the time to allow irritants to stop us from implementing our agenda effective from this session. You cannot announce that you are moving to another coalition and expect things to remain the same in the chambers," said Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi.

"We in Azimio have also expressed interest to disengage with people who are not loyal to our course," said Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua.

The new HBC members are Omboko Milemba (Emuhaya), Robert Mbui (Kathiani), Faith Gitau (Nyandarua), Samuel Chepkonga (Ainabkoi), Adan Keynan (Eldas), Tom Kajwang' (Ruaraka), Sarah Korere (Laikipia North), Joshua Mbithi (Masinga) and Umul Ker Kassim Sheikh (Garissa).

Meanwhile, Parliament has taken up a decision to include the military in the fight against banditry.

Mr Nelson Koech, the chairperson of the National Assembly Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations committee said that Article 241 (3) (b) of the Constitution, with section 31 (1) (a) and 33 (1) of the Kenya Defence Forces Act, allows deployment of troops in a joint operation with the National Police Service and other authorities.

"In the present case, the Cabinet Secretary has informed Parliament that the police under the overall command of the Inspector General will take lead of the operation. The KDF will only complement the police, in which case Article 241 (3)(b) of the Constitution requires the CS to report to the National Assembly whenever deployed," he said

If approved it would see KDF troops take part in the mission to bring stability in the bandit prone counties of Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, West Pokot, Samburu and Turkana that have since recorded 40 deaths in the past month.

KDF will join the police, to provide combat support to restore peace in the region.

In the latest attack, four police officers were among 10 people who lost their lives in a bandit attack in Kaakong on the Kitale-Lodwar highway in Turkana last Friday.