
UDA sits pretty as MCAs set to elect Kiambu assembly Speaker

Kiambu County Assembly sitting on May 18, 2015. [John Karume, Standard]

Lobbying for Speaker's seat in Kiambu County Assembly has intensified as candidates seek the blessings of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) leadership.

UDA is said to be backing Charles Thiong'o but there are reports outgoing Speaker Stephen Ndichu is also being fronted by some party MCAs.

Others in the race are former Limuru Central MCA Njenga Murugami who unsuccessfully vied for Limuru parliamentary seat on UDA ticket, Charles Chege who unsuccessfully vied for Kabete parliamentary seat and Kiambu branch Law Society of Kenya chairman Daniel Mwangi.

Though he is yet to come out publicly, Kihara Ward MCA loser Josephat Kamanya is also said to be eyeing the seat.

Mr Thiongo, 34, who lost in UDA primaries for Githunguri parliamentary seat to MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, said he has what it takes to steer the third assembly in the right direction.

"I am the most qualified person for this job. I will ensure harmony in the assembly due to the hiccups that were seen during the second assembly. I am also interested in steering the oversight role effectively and this puts me at a better place since I understand what ails Kiambu," he said.

UDA enjoys majority in the assembly after Jubilee managed only four seats.

Speaking to The Standard Thiongo exuded confidence of receiving UDA backing.

"My candidature has received blessings from majority of MCAs and the issue of regional realignments won't affect my interest after all Githunguri is in Kiambu Central," he said.

He promised to ensure proposed ward fund becomes a reality to steer development in Kiambu's 13 sub-counties.

Outgoing Speaker Ndichu who is also defending the seat, stepped down in favour of Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang'wa during the elections.

He had a troubled tenure after he fell out with immediate former Governor James Nyoro, former Majority Leader Gideon Gachara (Ndeiya MCA) and a section of MCAs.

Kiambu county assembly will convene on September 21 at 9am for the 1st sitting.

The first order of business will be to swear in MCAs and thereafter election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.