ANC plan to oust Nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi flops

ANC Nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi [Elvis Ogina,Standard] .

Amani National Congress (ANC) has lost an appeal challenging the reinstatement of nominated Member of Parliament Godfrey Osotsi to the party by the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal (PPDT).

The Musalia Mudavadi-led party had expelled Osotsi over misconduct and failing to toe party ideologies.

ANC wrote to the Registrar of Political Parties Anne Nderitu to deregister the lawmaker, which was effected on May 13, 2019.

“This office acknowledges receipt of your letter dated May 13, 2019, on the above subject matter, together with the judgements delivered in the High Court at Nairobi on Civil Appeal No 177 of 2018 and Judicial Review matter No 97 of 2019,” the letter from Nderitu to ANC and copied to Osotsi reads in part.

Osotsi moved to the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal where he was reinstated as the ANC nominated MP. Osotsi is the party’s former secretary general.

The tribunal ruled that the decision made by the registrar to remove Osotsi from the party register was in breach of the MP's fair administrative action and right to be heard. 

Justice Mbogholi Msagha, in dismissing the appeal by ANC, stated that the appellant (ANC) fell short of the required standards in the disciplinary process and compliance with the law in addressing its differences with Osotsi. 

In an interview yesterday, Osotsi said justice has finally been served.