Kamket: Kalenjins will never back corrupt politician for presidency

Tiaty MP William Kamket has said the community would rally behind Baringo Senator Gideon Moi come 2022, should he declare his candidature for the presidency. [Standard]

The Kalenjin community will not back any politician accused of stealing public resource for presidency in 2022, Tiaty MP William Kamket has said.

Speaking in his constituency on Saturday, Kamket linked the Tanga Tanga faction of Jubilee to corruption and plunder of public resources and warned Kenyans against backing the faction.

In remarks seen as a veiled attack on Deputy President William Ruto, Kamket urged Kenyans to reject people moving around the country claiming they are in charge of the county in the absence of the president, saying that is a clear indication of how they are power hungry.

He said the community would rally behind Baringo Senator Gideon Moi come 2022, should the Kanu national chairman declare his candidature for the presidency.

 “As a members of the Pokot or Kalenjin community, we have declared our support for Senator Moi should he contest for the top seat. He is composed and orderly unlike those in Tanga Tanga movement who are riddled with theft,” he said.

"We will not allow thieves to ascend to power. You can see how hungry they are yapping all over that they are in charge when we know the Head of State is Uhuru Kenyatta,” Kamket added.

Kamket declared that those suspected to have stolen public funds and have unexplained wealth must be held to account before they seek higher offices.

Senator Moi and DP Ruto have for a long been embroiled in a political supremacy battle in the Rift Valley region with each camp seeking the community’s backing to go for the presidency.

The conflict is likely to escalate as the country heads towards the 2022 General Election. Senator Moi is yet to declare his intention to run, but there are clear indicatins that he might contest.

Kamket further lashed out at Baringo South MP Charles Kamuren saying he is an opportunist out to taint his name.

“Kamuren is out to taint people’s names yet I was the one who made him a nominated MCA. He is a political opportunist and should stop talking ill of other people,” he said.

The legislators, have had long-standing battles with a recent misunderstanding happening earlier in January when the two differed over who should speak first at a function in Makutani area, Baringo County.