Let us use not abuse the power of leadership to shape 2022

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A man surrenders to the police as he runs past teargas, September 18, 2019. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Happy New Year 2022! This is one year that has captivated the hearts and minds of Kenyans for the last several years. Much has been said and written about 2022, making it an almost unique year that some may have imagined would never come. But behold, it is here.

There is great anticipation that the year will catapult us into realms of success we have never witnessed before. Like happens every year, resolutions are being made, plans are in the offing, and hopes are high. But, in the midst of this hope, what truly niggles at our hearts and minds is what 2022 portends for us, in a highly politicised environment. Every indication is that political toxicity is in a steep rise.

The apparent politically motivated violence against groups and individuals and the recent fracas in parliament are stark pointers. Like a vehicle on a muddy and slippery road, we are in a desperate need of sober leadership to steer this nation from sliding into the ditches and thickets of 2007/8.

Perhaps no greater observation has been made about the significance of leadership than the words of John Maxwell, when he declared, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” The implication is that how as a nation we come through 2022 will be contingent on the nature and quality of leadership we receive from the key players in our political arena.

As of now, Kenya is poised to rise or fall on the leadership of three gentlemen. They each hold a special leadership responsibility which they may choose to use for the glory or disgrace of Kenya.

William Ruto has never concealed his passionate desire to occupy the house on the hill. To this end, he has left nothing to chance to ensure the fulfilment of that dream. He has certainly been buoyed by multitudes sold out to his ideology and singing his praises.

Furthermore, having served as the Deputy President over the last nine years, he has experienced what Senator Barak Obama once described as “luxury you can get used to.” The very prospect of coming down from that pinnacle of leadership and going back to rearing chicken – no matter how many – can be scary. Yet, as a professing Christian, the DP has opportunity to demonstrate higher order leadership. He must temper his ambition with the sober reality that leadership ultimately comes only from God.

Raila Odinga has been on this journey for a long time. In this fifth attempt, he has received perhaps the highest levels of endorsement from key players in the political and business arena. Furthermore, the throngs at his meetings have definitely invigorated Baba. The prospect of occupying State House has never been more real.

Unfortunately, there are several factors that make losing a dreaded possibility, especially because age is not on his side. Yet, as an Elder Statesman, the former Prime Minister needs to provide a rare breed of leadership that can keep Kenyans sober and united before and after the ballot.

But when all is said and done, President Kenyatta holds the key to the peace of this nation. Being the incumbent, he is the symbol of unity for Kenyans. Thus, his actions and utterances have the greatest impact on the mood of the nation.

Yet, we are aware that the President has suffered some of the worst incidences of humiliation, insults, and dishonour – sometimes from some of his closest allies. Though this is humanly painful, the grace of leadership requires that he should remain focused and committed to the cause.

His final and greatest legacy will be in delivering the people of Kenya a smooth and peaceful transition.

The implication for these three gentlemen is that in the next several months – before and after elections – they will have to be measured in their words, circumspect in their actions, and greatly tempered in their emotions. They must especially provide decisive leadership among allies and followers to keep them within the bounds of peace.

We have a unique opportunity to demonstrate to the world that our democracy is coming of age. We must commit to pray for God to grant us special grace to positively shape 2022 for His glory.