Governor Wanga moves her ministers to improve delivery

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga [Caleb Kingwara. Standard]

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga has reshuffled chief officers to improve service delivery and achieve her development manifesto.

She moved Jacob Obonyo from the Blue Economy and Fisheries docket to Trade and Industrialisation. Judith Ombok is new chief officer for Agriculture. She was in the Department of Gender Inclusivity and Women Empowerment.

Joshua Orero takes over the Blue Economy and Fisheries from the Department of Trade and Industrialisation. Samuel Owigo has been moved from Agriculture to Irrigation.

Dolphine Ochere has been moved from Education to Gender Inclusivity and Women Empowerment department.

Kennedy Ojala moves from Stakeholder Management to the Mining and Digital Economy department. Maxwell Omenda is the new chief officer for Stakeholder Management after being moved from Irrigation.

Diana Ongere will serve in Education from the Mining and Digital Economy department. Chief Officer for Communication Atieno Otieno will also be the county spokesperson.

Governor Wanga directed County Secretary Bernard Muok to ensure smooth handing over by affected chief officers. "The changes herein take effect immediately," the governor stated.