
Homa Bay officials raise alarm after 36 down with cholera

Cholera patients were taken to Suba Hospital in Sindo town for treatment. [James Omoro, Standard]

The Homa Bay County government has issued an alert after the number of cholera cases hit 36.

Cholera broke out in Sindo town, Suba sub-County, over the weekend.

The number of recorded cases rose from 25 on Sunday morning. They were taken to Suba Hospital in Sindo town for treatment.

Thirty patients hail from Kaksingri West while the rest are from Gwassi North. Most of the patients hail from Wadiang'a Beach in Sindo town.

Health Executive Roseline Omollo issued a notification to all sub-county health facilities to be wary of the cholera outbreak.

The notice also instructed the health facilities management on precautionary measures they should put in place to keep the disease at bay.

She said the cases are local transmissions.

"We have cases of cholera in Suba Sub-county and most of the patients hail from Sindo town." She added that the county had reactivated emergency response teams to help tackle the health issue.

"Our officers are making follow-ups in households where confirmed cases have been reported to put in place containment modalities," she said.