
Jaramogi Oginga's ex-speech writer dies at 82

Former speech writer and press secretary to the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga is dead.

Barrack Odinge Odera, 82, who had been ailing, died on Monday at Nairobi West Hospital.

Odera studied Journalism and Government at the University of South Dakota, USA. Notable in his relationship with Jaramogi was when founding president Jomo Kenyatta was heckled in Kisumu on October 25, 1969, during the official opening of Russia Hospital, now Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Jaramogi was the leader of Kenya People’s Union, an opposition outfit. In his book, My Journey with Jaramogi, Memoirs of a Close Confidant, launched in 2010 and serialised by The Standard, Odera wrote: “I met Jaramogi at his Nairobi office and told him there would be trouble if he travelled to Kisumu”. That was on October 23, 1969, after the young Odera was informed by KPU allies in the then intelligence - the Special Branch, that it was dangerous for Jaramogi to attended the ceremony. But Jaramogi, then Bondo MP, ignored the advice and travelled to Kisumu.

KPU allies

Odera believed the youths who heckled Kenyatta, thus provoking the shooting by the president’s guards were ‘planted’ in the crowd by the State.

Dr Oburu Oginga, ODM Nominated MP and Jaramogi’s eldest son, describes Odera as a perfectionist, whose education background and experience as an editor endeared him to Jaramogi.

“He won Jaramogi’s trust. He was swift at making decisions and whenever he was assigned to draft a topic, Odera would do so immediately without procrastinating,” said Oburu.

Ruth Odinga, Kisumu County Deputy Governor, yesterday told The Standard on Sunday: “Odera was a non-compromising person, who believed in real democracy. He stressed on a government by the people, for the people and with the people,” said Ruth.

“In the early 1970s, Odera, who was then working with National Housing Corporation, was confronted by the then Managing Director Samuel Ayany, and told to choose between his job and following Odinga. Odera resigned as a matter of principle, citing intimidation on democratic ideals,” said Oburu.

Odera will be laid to rest on March 21, in Majimbo village in Imbo-Usenge, in Siaya County.

He leaves behind a widow, two sons and a daughter.