
Former Karachuonyo MP Dr Adhu Awiti loses battle to cancer

Former Karachuonyo MP Dr Paul Adhu Awiti has passed on after prolonged battle with Cancer.

Awiti died Tuesday while undergoing treatment at Avenue Hospital in Kisumu.

He was the Minister for Planning between 2001 and 2002.

Condoling with the family, CORD leader Raila Odinga described him as a staunch believer in the possibility of a better, more equal, just, and fair and free Kenya.

“The entire pro-change movement in our country is deeply saddened by his passing.  He leaves a deep void in the ongoing struggle for total emancipation of our people and the fight for a just and equitable society where all citizens enjoy equal freedoms, rights and opportunities”, Raila said in a statement sent to newsrooms.

He was a great proponent of Trade as the basis for development, as opposed to Aid, during his tenure in the Planning Ministry.