Kogelo village intercedes for its greatest son, Obama


Like the American Embassy in Nairobi, two flags fly high in US President Barack Obama’s ancestral home in Kogelo, Siaya County.

The two emblems welcome visitors at the Barack Obama Foundation Centre, few metres from Nyangoma market where the US President once sold kales with his grandmother Sarah, before joining politics.

His relatives and friends are today expected in the village where an inter-denomination prayer ceremony will be conducted by 20 bishops as US voters cast their votes.

Big screens

“Bishop Ogonyo Ngede of the Power of Jesus Church will lead the prayers behind Kogelo Village Resort,” said Obama’s first cousin Nicholas Rajula.

Mr Rajula said big screens would be mounted for locals to follow the elections closely.

“We also expect traditional musicians like Nyatiti and Otieno Aloka to perform,” he said.

By Moday evening, hundreds of local and international journalists had arrived at the small village that began a transformation four years ago.

Most hotels in Siaya County are fully booked due to the many people visiting. Expectation is high their son would be elected to serve a second term in the White House.

In Kogelo, the cheapest hotel is currently Sh3,500 and food prices have also increased.

God annointed

“I travelled from Nairobi to witness the big day, but accommodation is too expensive here. It is cheaper for me to go to Ndori, Siaya or Bondo,” said Joseph Owino.

As businessmen make their profits, residents are busy praying for Obama to beat his Republican rival Mitt Romney in the polls.

“We pray for him to win so that more development can take place here,” said David Onyango.

Joseph Ongondi said he was happy with Obama’s leadership.

“He will win because it is God who appointed him to lead US,” he said.

To ensure the visitors and locals are entertained, a professional cook is busy preparing delicacies.