However, Mandera County Commissioner Amos Mariba said the government will ensure that every pupil sits for the exams, regardless of the flooding.
"We are aware of some schools flooded with rain water but that will not stop us from conducting the exams. I assure you every pupil will sit for the examinations," Mariba said.
Mariba also assured the safety of the exams, saying that thousands of security personnel have been deployed to escort the papers to various schools countywide.
"Thousands of security officers both in uniform and civilian will be guarding the exams as a high number will be posted to schools along the borderlines," Mariba said.
Mandera County Director of Education Abdi Sheikh said two choppers will be used to ferry exam papers to 22 far-flung and hard-to-reach schools.
Some 9,301 pupils in Mandera county will sit for KCPE examinations, while another 8586 pupils will be sitting for KPSEA.