Atheists in Kenya: Why we support President Ruto's GMOs

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Atheists In Kenya (AIK) President, Harrison Muma at the School of Monentary Studies. [PHOTO: JENNIPHER WACHIE]

For several weeks there has been a huge debate among Kenyans about Genetically Modified foods including their safety to human beings. The debate was sparked by lifting the ban of importation of the GMO's in the country so as to address the current food shortage.

And now, a group that does not believe in the existence of God dubbed Atheists in Kenya (AIK) has joined the debate stating GMO food is the best way to go.

"Climate change and population growth are putting increased pressure on the agricultural industry that feeds Kenyans," the group's president Harrison Mumia said.

Also read: Everything you need to know about lifting the ban

3.5 million Kenyans suffering from starvation

Mumia said like neighbouring countries in the horn of Africa, Kenya has been experiencing extreme drought conditions.

"Some 3.5 million Kenyans are suffering from starvation. Let it be remembered that Kenya suffered an unprecedented wave of desert locusts in early 2020 which spelled disaster for thousands of farmers and rural communities," Mumia stated.

"Biotechnology can help us develop new, more resilient crop varieties that are better able to survive these changing conditions," he explained.

The ban on genetically modified crops was imposed in 2012 during President Mwai Kibaki's regime due to the threat they posed on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and the health of Kenyans.

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