Angry traders heckle Waititu over market construction delay

Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu.

Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu was on Sunday evening humiliated in the presence Deputy President William Ruto by traders in Githurai 45 market who refused him to address them.

Hell broke loose when Ruto invited Waititu to make to address a mammoth crowd after former Ruiru MP Esther Gathogo finished making her remarks.

The angry traders who were chanting anti-Waititu slogans however refused to be addressed by the governor.

Efforts by the governor to try and clam down the traders fell on deaf ears as they continued to heckle him saying they did not want to hear him out.

The governor was forced to cut short his speech even before he could make a few statements.

Waititu however assured the traders that the construction of the market will soon commence and called on them to be patient.

Ruto who was on his way from Mwiki Primary school accompanied with a section of leaders in Kiambu had made a stop-over in Githurai to address the people.

All this time, Ruto watched pensively as the traders heckled the governor without saying a word.

However, when he took back the microphone from the governor, the DP told the traders that the county boss had heard their grievances.

“The governor has heard you and he will make sure the market is built here” said Ruto.

MPs and leaders who had accompanied the DP were shocked at the turn of events

The traders were unhappy over what they termed as unfulfilled promise by the county government to build Githurai 45 market in the financial year ending this month.

“We are tired of always being lied to that the market will be built. During the campaigns the market was a major campaign tool. We will not accept to be taken for a ride any longer. The governor must fulfill the promise he made to us,” said Susan Wairimu a trader.

Paul Njoroge another trader appealed to the county government to expedite the construction of the market saying they are suffering more so during the ongoing rainy season.

“We have nowhere to put our ware since we were evicted from where the new market is set to be built. It is our hope that the market will be built immediately so that we can get somewhere to ace out a living to sustain our families,” he said.

In January market structures which the traders had erected were demolished in readiness for the construction of the new market.

However, until today no construction works has yet commenced.

The county government yesterday placed an advert in one of the local dailies inviting bidders to tender for the designing, construction and commissioning of Githurai market and its associated amenities.

“Tender documents containing detailed terms and conditions of the tender should be downloaded from Kiambu County Government website,” read part of the advert.

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