Multi-tasking unseats specialisation as most desirable attribute

By Luke Anami

Specialisation in one area of training might be losing its luster as employers seek staff who can multi task.
For instance, to be employed as a driver, a section of employers require that one is also a mechanic.

The same applies in a number of where employees who have received training and experience from different areas are sought after simply because they can multi task.

Multi-tasking is the ability to do more than one duty or function at the same time. People who are able to multitask have the ability to perform several tasks nearly simultaneously.

“One important aspect of multi-tasking jobs is that the majority of the tasks are interrelated, so that there is cohesiveness between the multiple tasks.

Most of the time, each task is dependent upon the completion of other tasks performed in a set pattern, so that the tasks drive the function of the job,” Milton Maingi, Director of Storage EA Limited says.

what is important?
He says the interrelationship benefit more from interest and experience in no related fields than that with background training.

“In my organisation, I prefer to employ an accountant who can also drive. Since the company deals with logistics and links up small scale farmers with banking agencies, it is economical that the accountant we employ also knows how to drive himself to collect and pay the farmers.”

While training as an accountant requires that you also train on how to handle finances, driving and accountancy are hardly interrelated.

But Maingi points out that its cost efficient to have one employee who can take on more than one role.
“Though accountants training does not include driving, there are a host of other tasks that he or she can do that would be required of a new employee in the organisation such as ours which deals with logistics and farmers.”

In the construction industry, the same is applicable.
“In construction, we employ builders who need to have background knowledge in masonry, carpentry, and joinery. Contractors have various construction sites attend to simultaneously and therefore require to employ a foreman that can combine the skills above and driving,” Mr Nicholas Chikamai, Managing Director of Matete Building Contractors said.

The role that foremen play would require that one is also conversant with electrical installation, plumbing and draining.

How to do it
“During construction, one may not require an electrician from the start, but it is important that during the laying of the foundation, the person in charge have basic knowledge of electrical installation processes and procedures. That is why workers on construction sites are better off understanding the basics and details of all areas of construction,” Chikamai explains.

In white collar jobs, such as customer service workers, the need to receive and process sales orders by entering them into a computer system, double-check pricing, verify shipping costs, taxes, and other details to ensure the order is billed and shipped correctly and on time is also crucial.

Communication skills are also required with various company departments from production to fulfillment. You may be required to read blueprints, or know various product details and specifications, as well as appropriate application.

Usually these tasks may not be part of your job description, but one still needs to possess them.