
NTSA suspends Super Metro's license over safety violations

NTSA suspends Super Metro’s license over safety violations. [File, Super Metro]

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has suspended Super Metro’s operational license until the company complies with the Public Service Vehicle (PSV) Regulations 2014.  

In a statement, NTSA said the decision was prompted by the company’s failure to meet several safety requirements.

According to the Authority, out of Super Metro’s 523 vehicles, 15 were operating with expired inspection certificates, while eight had expired Road Service Licenses.

Additionally, five vehicles had expired speed limiter certificates, 88 were not transmitting speed data, and 171 had no speed limiter records.  

Further inspections revealed that seven vehicles lacked speed limiter vendor details, while 109 were found to be operating beyond the required speed limit of 80 km/h.  

NTSA also raised concerns about the qualifications of some drivers listed on Super Metro’s portal, noting that they did not meet the required standards — a situation the authority described as a significant road safety risk.  

To address these issues, NTSA has directed the company to present 294 vehicles with various violations to the respective speed limiter vendors for compliance checks.

The same vehicles must also undergo inspection at the Likoni Motor Vehicle Inspection Centre, where they are required to obtain compliance reports.  

In addition, 42 drivers from the list of 109 with speed violations are required to undergo a retest at the Likoni Driver Test Centre. NTSA has also ordered the company to disengage any unqualified drivers.  

Traffic police have been instructed to impound any Super Metro vehicles found operating in violation of the suspension. Meanwhile, members of the public have been advised against boarding the company's buses.  

“Members of the public are cautioned against boarding vehicles belonging to Super Metro Limited. The Traffic Department is required to impound vehicles belonging to the Company found operating contrary to the suspension,” read the NTSA statement.