
How to save on the cost of electricity, expert advise

Kenya Renewable Energy Association CEO Andrew Amadi. [Standard]

As the cost of electricity goes up, with the average price of 50 kilowatts/units (kWh) of electricity increasing from Sh796. 83 in August last year to a mean of Sh1,326.54 at the end of May 2023, experts advise Kenyans to embrace renewable sources of energy.

Kenya Renewable Energy Association CEO Andrew Amadi says renewable sources of energy are cheaper and more sustainable compared to what Kenya Power and Lighting Company is offering.

"Biomass is the cheapest form of energy followed by solar then geothermal. The problem is we are not ready to embrace these sources of energy. People do not know they can actually pump water from the ground for irrigation through solar power," said Amadi.

"Today, if we use one per cent of the area in Turkana County, put it under solar panels, generate electricity, and sell a unit at Sh12 compared to Sh32 charged by KPLC, you will make as much money as the oil in Turkana in one and a half years," he added.

According to Amadi, appliances like instant showers, fridges, and Wi-Fi modems are the most power-consuming appliances that can easily be substituted with solar-driven appliances.

"Energy is the function of power and time. Depending on how much power you are consuming over what period of time that is the amount of power you are consuming. This simply explains how the electricity we buy is consumed."

"To save more on power, Kenyans can go for appliances like the solar fridge also known as a stand-alone which does not require you to connect it to any source of power and solar showers," he said.

Kenya is on the verge of a possible power rationing in less than twelve months.