"The funeral expenses for my late brother, who worked as a matatu crew, were around Sh270,000, but we received only Sh90,000 from the prayer service held in Londiani. It wasn't enough to cover much," she said.
Chebet called on investigative agencies to probe the alleged misappropriation of funds meant to aid all the victims and survivors of the devastating road crash.
Vincent Kiplangat, from the United area in Londiani, who lost his brother Frank Korir, 19, in the accident, emphasized that all non-victims who received payments from the fundraiser should surrender the money.
"My younger brother was a boda rider, and the owner of the motorcycle has been pressing me, as the next of kin, to pay him for his motorcycle that was crashed in the accident. Yet, we only received Sh90,000 from the committee," he said.
Stephen Cheruiyot, the Londiani boda-Boda chairman, expressed shock at the contents of the committee's report, revealing that only three boda-boda members were compensated with Sh30,000 each for the loss of their motorcycles.
"We have not received even a single cent," he said.
Cheruiyot added that more than three boda-boda owners were excluded from the compensation, leaving them without any means of earning a living.
Felix Kiptoo, 24, who lost his wife Sheila Chepchichir, 22, said he received the first Sh300, 000.
"I received the first Sh300, 000 from the national government.
We were promised another Sh250, 000 at the fundraiser, which followed," said Kiptoo.
Kiptoo explained that he was shocked when the cheque for the second batch was different from what was promised.
"From the fundraiser kitty, we received only Sh90, 000. This is a figure we don't know how it was arrived at," said Kiptoo.
Charles Bett lost his Grade Six son in the tragedy.
Kericho Deputy Governor Fred Kirui, who exposed the scandal, confirmed that he had submitted evidence of the misappropriation to the DCI.
"The cheques drawn by multinational tea firms in Kericho, totalling Sh25,000, have not been accounted for by the committee. There is more money which wasn't declared, in addition to the huge sums that were misappropriated," he said.
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He called for justice and prosecution of those responsible.
Kirui also urged Kericho County Secretary Dr Wesley Bor, who chaired the committee to resign.
In response, Dr Bor urged the Deputy Governor to visit the county and witness first-hand the progress made in addressing the plight of the Londiani accident victims and other matters.
He explained that despite Governor Dr Mutai's promise to waive mortuary fees and treatment costs for the victims during the fundraiser, some critically ill patients still required specialized treatment and rehabilitation.
"The cost for treatment and medication continues to accrue to date. Some victims had their lower limbs amputated and required rehabilitation to restore their normal lives," Dr Bor said.