
Empty roads, shut businesses as protests take shape

Youths carrying placards in Kisumu. [Collins Oduor, Standard]

In Kakamega town, transport has completely been paralysed as drivers withdrew their Public Service Vehicles (PSVs) from the roads in fear of damage and destruction from protests.

Business at a stand still in Nyamira town. [Stanley Ongwae, Standard]

The situation in Kisumu is no different as most traders closed shop as anti-riot police keep vigil. Youths were seen displaying placards and a coffin painted in UDA colours (green and yellow) ascribed 'Ruto Maisha ni Ngumu'. They have also barricaded various roads in the town.

In Mombasa, police had to lobby teargas canisters to disperse crowds that had barricaded various roads and lit bonfires.

Residents protesting against high cost of living at Kondele, Kisumu County. [Collins Oduor, Standard]

Additional reporting by Mate Tongola, Eric Abuga, Caleb King'wara, Clinton Ambujo, James Wanzala and Allan Ochanda.