
Banisa MP Kullow Hassan dies in Nairobi

Banisa Member of Parliament Kullow Maalim Hassan. [File]

Banisa Member of Parliament Kullow Maalim Hassan is dead.

The family of the second-term lawmaker confirmed that he died while undergoing treatment at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi.

He succumbed to his injuries while in the hospital's ICU after he was involved in a hit-and-run motorcycle accident near Capital Centre in South B, Nairobi on Saturday, March 25.

"Good samaritans rushed him to Reliance Hospital in South C before he was transferred to Aga Khan Hospital where he passed on last night," a close relative told The Standard.

Hassan, who also served as a member of the Departmental Committee on Transport, Public Works and Housing, will be laid to rest on Wednesday, March 29 in accordance with the Islamic rites.

Various leaders from Northeastern Kenya have condoled with Hassan's family, describing him as a dedicated and transformative leader who worked tirelessly for his constituents.

Among them, was Eldas MP Adan Keynan who took to his social media pages to mourn the deceased.

"Kullow was the epitome of an illustrious leader, a devoted public servant and an amiable figure in the community who discharged his leadership responsibilities with great honour and dexterity," said Keynan.

Hassan was first elected as the MP of Banisa in Mandera County in 2017 under the Economic Freedom Party (EFP) ticket and successfully defended his seat in the August 9, 2022 polls under the United Democratic Movement (UDM).