Concern over attacks on and mysterious deaths of IEBC staff

On Monday, the Gichugu returning officer Geoffrey Gitobu died under mysterious circumstances.

The electoral agency released a statement that was summarily a condemnation of the mishaps that had befallen it.

"Today, Monday, 22nd August 2022 at around 8:30pm an organised group of goons wielding crude weapons attempted to attack IEBC personnel preparing responses to presidential election petitions at a premise within Nairobi. However, they were repulsed by security," wrote IEBC on its social media pages.

"The Commission condemns this act of hooliganism and intimidation, and calls upon the Inspector of Police (IG) to bring to an end this blatant abuse of the Rule of Law."

The incident came exactly a week after the IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati and two commissioners and the CEO were physically attacked at the Bomas of Kenya.