Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja changes her name

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Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja. [File, Standard]

Entrepreneur and industrialist Tabitha Mukami Muigai-Karanja, the founder and CEO of Keroche Breweries Limited, will now be known as Tabitha Karanja Keroche.

In a sworn affidavit, Karanja said she’ll use the new name “for all purposes”.

Her new name was revealed via a Gazette Notice Number 4013 dated April 8, 2022.

“Notice is given that by a deed poll dated February 15, 2022, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 2921, in Volume Dl, Folio 102/794, File No. MMXXII, by our client, Tabitha Karanja Keroche, of P.O. Box 6-20117, Naivasha in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Tabitha Mukami Mungai.

“She has formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Tabitha Mukami Mungai, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Tabitha Karanja Keroche, for all purposes and authorises and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Tabitha Karanja Keroche only,” said the notice.

Her affidavit was drawn before Karanja’s lawyers, Kabugu and Company Advocates.

The Standard reached Karanja for comment, but our phone calls to her went unanswered. The Keroche Breweries boss is eyeing the Nakuru senatorial seat on a UDA ticket in the August 9 General Election.

Article 53 (1a) of the Constitution of Kenya provides that every person has a right to a name and nationality at birth.

However, the need to change one’s name may arise out of diverse reasons, including anomalies in identification documents like ID card or Passport. In the event that does not apply, the law provides for one to change their name.

Any person can change their name at any time and for any reason, provided it is not to deceive or defraud or to avoid an obligation by either: adding a new name, removing an existing name, changing the order of names and attaining a completely different set of names.

Section Three of the Registration of documents (Change of Name) Regulations, provide that any person or parent or guardian who wishes to change their name or those of their children must do it through a Deed Poll.

A deed poll is a binding declaration of intention sworn by one or more persons and needs to be registered. The deed poll has to be gazetted, and it is only after that, that one will acquire new identification documents bearing the new name.

As a matter of practice, you will be required to provide: letter from the area chief, finger print printout, deed poll and affidavit to which shall be attached certain requisite documents and an affidavit by a witness who has known you for at least ten years.

The deed poll is then registered with the Registrar of Documents.

After the registration of the deed poll, the change of your name will be gazetted in the Kenya Gazette by the Registrar of Persons. After gazettement of your change of name, you shall be required to apply for a new ID card.

It is, however, not a guarantee that the registrar will accept change of name request. The registrar may reject a name-change for the following reasons: if the chosen name(s) is vulgar, offensive; if the name includes; numbers, symbols or punctuation marks; if the proposed name is impossible to pronounce; if the name incites or promotes criminal activities, racial, religious hatred or use of controlled drugs; if the name ridicules people, groups, government departments, companies or organisations; and if the name creates an impression or belief that you have an inherited or conferred title, honor, rank or academic award that you do not have.

You will require a set of documents before changing a name, and it applies differently to applicants. For minors below 16 years, the change of name is effected by the parent or guardian.

An adult, who wishes to change his or her name, requires the following: deed poll, statutory declaration from a person residing in Kenya; and who has known the person who wishes to change his or her change, and a birth certificate.

Married Women

Married women are a unique category of applicants, as they have the option to adopt their husbands’ names upon marriage.

Where a woman wishes to change their name upon marriage, they may do so by completing a form and attaching the following additional documents: affidavit stating that you wish to adopt husband’s name, original copy and copy of marriage certificate or affidavit of marriage and copies of ID of the wife and husband.

When a woman has separated from her husband, but has not yet gotten a divorce, or is in the process of divorce proceedings, and wishes to change their name; in addition to the documents required for change of name by an adult, they are required to provide their marriage certificate, and a certificate from an advocate stating the separation is likely to be permanent.

Upon divorce, there are two ways of changing a name upon dissolution of a marriage. They would need to complete an application form and attach the following additional documents: affidavit stating that you wish to drop husband’s name, original and copy of marriage certificate or affidavit of marriage and decree of divorce.