Young women having a fun moment. [Getty Images]
Why is deception so acceptable? Lies are spoken and we clap. We are cheated and we cheer. We are a lying and lied to nation. Truth is lonely and unwanted. Those who seek honesty are frowned upon – even fired. Why do we hopelessly say "We've no option but choose the "nicer" thief?" It is saddening if after all the years of independence, Kenya has not nurtured a pool of non-thieves capable of fitting for political leadership. Did thieves steal, hoard and copyright political positions? Scales must fall from our eyes and discard this lie! If you have problems with deceptive leaders, you will find it very difficult to choose a leader from the present typology of aspirants. If you do not have a problem being deceived, making a pick is as easy as ABC. But there is a problem with not having a problem with deceivers. A nation built on lies is lying to itself.
Why is excellence scattered? We have entrenched a vice of cutting corners. This culture delivers appearance of good but hardly the good itself. Institutional excellence is punctuated with most organisations not having excellence as a goal and aim at only getting...