Listen to cries of Kenyans and repeal Finance Bill, clerics tell Ruto

Archbishop Martin Kivuvam, the chairman of and Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops when he addressed the media in Karen, Nairobi, on April 20, 2023. [Denis Kibuchi, Standard]

"Our nation is going through a very difficult moment. We are all hurting, and there are many pressures that can push us into despair. We however must not go down this path as it is the way of destruction. We must firmly resist incitement by political and social leaders who are focused on selfish ambitions," read the statement.

The church called on Kenyans to deliberately engage in all public participation forums to influence policy and decision-making processes.

They warned Kenyans against leaving the destiny of their families in the hands of politicians, and should instead adopt the mantra of "Nothing for us without us."

The clergy urged President Ruto to take to heart and learn from the word of God in 2 Chronicles 9: 8 ... "because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold them forever, he has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness."

The clerics warned Ruto against failing to heed wise counsel citing Proverbs 29: 4: "By justice, a king gives a country stability, but one who is greedy for the bribes tears it down."

The clerics appealed to Azimio leader Raila to recognize the key position he was holding and the contribution he was making in shaping the future of the nation.

"We recognize the critical constitutional role that the opposition plays in safeguarding democracy and justice in our nation. We therefore appeal to you. Appreciating that justice is the foundation of stability and peace, we urge you to spearhead an issue-based and solution-oriented approach to secure the nation from sliding into chaos and violence," urged the church.

Religious leaders drawn from the KCCB and NCCK met at Ufungamano House in Nairobi on Wednesday to review the socio-political state of the nation.

Rev Musonde and Archbishop Ndambuki urged Kenyans to remain peaceful and calm despite the challenges and provocations so that they can live out the prayer they make through the National Anthem.

Protesters in Kitengela town, Kajiado County, on Wednesday. [Peterson Githaiga, Standard]

On Shakahola massacre where more than 372 bodies have been exhumed, the clerics said that they were deeply concerned that the persons responsible for facilitating the deaths are yet to be prosecuted.

"We especially observe that there are government officials who over the years failed to take action when reports of deaths and murders in the Shakahola forest were made. When will they be prosecuted for abdication of duty?" said NCCK.

They called upon the government to accord justice to the people of Kenya by ensuring all who facilitated crime are prosecuted.

The clergy said they were putting in place mechanisms to document the events that led to the dark blot in the nation's history and will especially highlight all who are responsible on account of their actions or inaction.

"Like all Kenyans and indeed all the world, we continue to follow with horror the exhumation of bodies in Shakahola forest. We share our heartfelt condolences with all the families who have been bereaved and are constantly praying for those who have reported missing relatives," read the statement.

They said it was saddening that the government was instead focusing on blaming the church and religious institutions for the massacre, yet it is clearly a result of failure by the criminal justice system.