Kiambu road under construction. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]
The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) plans to expand Kiambu Road into a dual carriageway, aimed at easing traffic congestion along the busy route and other adjoining road networks.
This will offer relief to commuters who have for years had to grapple with heavy traffic jams since the road is a critical artery feeding traffic in and out of Nairobi and Kiambu counties.
KeNHA said the expansion will improve the infrastructure for Nairobi and counties, spur economic growth, open up Kiambu to peri-urban status as well ease the movement of agricultural produce.
Despite the surge in the number of road users following the rapid development of the area, Kiambu Road has remained narrow, pushing major traffic snarl-ups, especially during rush hours. The segments of Kiambu County served by the road have become key residential areas for many working in Nairobi.
“The State through KeNHA has proposed the development of Muthaiga-Kiambu-Ndumberi road into a dual carriage,” said KeNHA in an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment filed with the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) seeking approvals.
“The road commences at Pangani and Muthaiga interchanges along Thika Road, and proceeds through Kiambu town ending at Ndumberi.”
Both Thika Road and the Northern By-pass feed huge traffic volumes to Kiambu Road with an hourly flow standing at 1,824 vehicles along these sections.