
I haven’t admitted to siring complainant’s child, Bishop David Muriithi now says

Bishop David Muriithi of the House of Grace Church. [File, Standard]

Bishop David Muriithi of the House of Grace Church now says he has not admitted to siring a Nairobi’s woman’s 2-year-old child, and wants a DNA test conducted to establish the minor’s paternity.

Muriithi, in his oral application before the Children’s Court magistrate Festus Terer on Wednesday, August 25, said by admitting to pay a monthly child support of Sh10,000, it doesn’t mean he has accepted that he sired the minor.

The bishop’s lawyer, Felistus Njoroge, told the court that his client now wants a DNA test done to prove whether he was responsible for the complainant’s pregnancy.

Bishop Muriithi further wants the media locked out of the case.

The bishop claims the woman’s child was born way after their brief relationship ended in 2018.

The lawyer of the minor’s mother, Danstan Omari, said the bishop should formally ask the court for DNA order, and not do it through oral application.

Omari also opposed the application to have the matter heard without media’s presence.

The lawyer asked the court to allow his client seven days to file a response to Muriithi’s allegations.

In the matter, the mother-of-two claims Bishop Muriithi sired her younger child.

She wants the court to compel him to pay a monthly child support of Sh100,000.

The matter returns to court on September 27.