
KCPE 2020: How candidates performed in various categories

Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George Magoha. [File, Standard]

Eight thousand and ninety-one (8,091) 2020 KCPE candidates got at least 400 marks out of the possible 500 in the national tests. That number represents 0.68 per cent of the total candidate population (1,179,192).

Learners who got 300 marks to 399, were 282,090, representing 23.67 per cent.

Those in the 200-299 marks range, were 589,027, accounting for nearly half (49.43 per cent) of the total candidate population.

Candidates who scored 100-199 marks were 299,677, representing 25.15 per cent of the nearly 1.2 million pupils.

Those who got between 0 to 99 KCPE marks, were 307, accounting for 0.03 per cent of the total candidates’ size.

In 2019, the pupils who scored above 400 marks, were 9,673, representing 0.89 per cent of the 1.083 million learners who sat that year’s exam.

Those in the 300-399 marks bracket were 242, 821 (22.30 per cent), whereas those in the 200-299 marks range were 566,069 (51.98 per cent).

Those who scored between 100 to 199 marks in the 2019 KCPE, were 263,500 (24.2 per cent).

In that year’s national test, 1,393 candidates scored between 0 to 99 marks (0.13 per cent).

In the preceding year (2018), 11, 559 pupils got more than 400 marks in KCPE exam, representing 1.09 per cent of the 1.052 million learners who sat that year’s exam.

Those who amassed between 300 and 399 marks, were 223,862, accounting for 21.10 per cent of the candidate population.

Those in the 200-299 marks bracket, were 574,173, representing 54.12 per cent of the 1.05 million learners.

Another 240,178 candidates got between 100 marks and 199, accounting for 22.64 per cent of the pupils’ population.

The learners who got between 0 and 99 marks, were 2,592, accounting for only 0.24 per cent of the then-population.

Twelve thousand, four hundred and twenty-four (12,424) candidates did not sit this year’s exam, despite enrolling for the tests at the beginning of 2020. That number accounted for 1.04 per cent of the nearly 1.2 million 2020 KCPE candidates. The figure increased, compared to the 2019 KCPE class, where 5,530 pupils failed to write the exams. In 2018 KCPE exam, 8,347 candidates never sat the tests.

“Many doomsayers predicted that candidates of the 2020 KCPE Examination will perform dismally. The good news, however, is that performance of candidates in the 2020 KCPE is commendable and has shown no remarkable difference from the performance of the past years,” said Education Cabinet Secretary, George Magoha, while releasing the results at Mtihani House in Nairobi on Thursday, April 15.

“All the 1,179,192 candidates whose results we are releasing today will be admitted to secondary schools under the Government’s 100 per cent transition policy. I wish to assure the country that the Ministry has already conducted an audit of all new and existing vacancies in all our private and public schools to enable us to admit all learners,” he added.

Prof. Magoha said Form One placement will begin on May 28, 2021.

“For a second year running, the Government will offer 9,000 scholarships under the Elimu Scholarship Programme, which was initiated in 2019,” he assured.

The minister said 12 exam malpractice cases were reported in the 2020 KCPE, but clarified that the 12 pupils caught cheating will be allowed to join Form One in July, 2021. According to the CS, President Uhuru Kenyatta had directed that the learners shouldn’t be prejudiced.

“Five cases of impersonation were detected during the examination process, while seven candidates were found in possession of pre-prepared notes in examination rooms,” said the minister.

“As I have noted, we are today releasing results for 1,179,192 candidates who sat the examination in 28,460 centres across the country. All these candidates have qualified to be admitted to secondary schools. I congratulate them for this success.”

More male candidates, 590,450 (50.07%) sat the exams than female learners; 588,742 (49.93%).

Twenty (20) counties had more female pupils write the 2020 KCPE exam than their male counterparts. These counties are: Isiolo, Meru, Vihiga, Kakamega, Busia, Nairobi, Kwale, Elgeyo Marakwet, Siaya, Tharaka Nithi, Kisii, Kisumu, Bungoma, Kilifi, Lamu, Bomet, Mombasa, Uasin Gishu, Makueni and Migori.

“This is an increase from 18 counties that registered more female than male candidates in 2019,” said Magoha.

Candidates aged 12 years and below were 26,378 (2.21%), which was an increase from 20,086 (1.84%) in 2019.

“The counties which had the highest entry for candidates who were 12 years and below for the year 2020 KCPE examination were: West Pokot (999), Bomet (1,595), Baringo (1,013), Kericho (1,469), and Bungoma (2,556),” said the CS.

The highest number of candidates were in the “appropriate” age bracket of 13-14 years, (806,720; 67.70%), a trend which has been replicated in the last five years, added Magoha.

“The counties which had the highest cases of candidates who were 19 years and above were Turkana (3,062), Garissa (1,680), Kwale (2,441); Kilifi (3,672), and Busia (1,692),” said the minister.

According to Magoha, public schools posted impressive results in the 2020 KCPE exam compared to private schools.

“The public schools scooped 10 of the Top 15 overall slots in the Examination,” said Magoha. “Additionally, of the top 15 places, female candidates have taken eight places, including the first three overall slots.”

Mumo Faith Kawee of Kari Mwailu Primary School in Machakos was the best pupil, with 433 marks out of the possible 500.

Wesonga Yvette Wanzala of Chogoria Primary School (Tharaka-Nithi) came second with 432 marks.

Yvette tied at the Second Position with Angel Gakenia of Maseno Girls’ School (Kisumu).

The top male candidate, Samuel Makhanu of Nzoia Sugar Primary (Bungoma), got 431 marks, coming in at Position Four.

Castro Williams of Crystal Hill Academy (Kericho) and Laureen Chepkemboi of St. Mathew’s Septonok (Nandi) tied with Samuel Makhanu at Position Four.

Kipkirui Abiud, who scored 430 marks and is a pupil at Lessos Hills Adventist (Nandi), came in at Position Seven.

Margaret Mwangi Waruguru of Karatina D.E.B (Nyeri) emerged Position Eight with 429 marks. Waruguru tied at the eighth spot with Bernice Omondi of Nairobi Primary School and Joy Nkatha Kiogora of Chogoria Primary School (Tharaka-Nithi).

Daniel Chris Mboya of Crystal Hill Academy (Kericho) came in at Position 11 with 428 marks. Mboya tied with Njenga Lowell of Emmanuel Springs Academy (Makueni), Jeff Mutugi of Fred’s Academy (Meru), Polycup Kiyondi of Ober Boys’ School (Homa Bay) and Debrah Zawadi of Emmanuel Springs Academy in Makueni.

Magoha announced that five subjects, including English Composition, Kiswahili Lugha, Kenyan Sign Language Objective, Mathematics and Religious Education, recorded improved results in the 2020 KCPE compared to 2019.

“In terms of gender, female candidates performed slightly better than their male counterparts in English, Kiswahili and Kenyan Sign Language. Male candidates, [on the other hand], performed slightly better than their female counterparts in Mathematics, Science and Social Studies and Religious Education,” said Magoha.

According to the CS, the 433 top score registered in this year’s KCPE exam, is lower than those of 2019 (440) and 2018 (453).

“The number of candidates with Special Needs (SNE) was higher in the year 2020 (2,675) when compared to that of 2019 (2,407),” he said.

“The highest number of candidates with special needs in the 2020 KCPE examination were those with physical disabilities (1,201), followed by those with hearing impairment (738).”

The highest SNE candidate, Brandon Otundo of Set Greenhill Academy (Kisii), scored 420 marks compared with the top candidate in the 2019 KCPE, who scored 414 marks, Magoha revealed.

Otundo was followed by Kibet Gipson of C.BM., who got 411 marks. Joseph Kyalo Kioko of Kangundo D.EB. (Machakos) rounded out the Top Three best-performing special needs pupils.

“The number of candidates who sat the KCPE examination under special circumstances, including those who sat the examination in hospitals, increased from 1,176 in the year 2019 to 1,255 in 2020,” said CS Magoha.

To get your son’s or daughter’s KCPE exam results via SMS, send his or her index number, starting with the word KCPE to 20076.