
Milimani Law Courts to be closed on Friday for disinfection

Milimani Law Courts [Collins Kweyu, Standard]

The Registrar of the High Court of Kenya on Wednesday notified the public that Milimani Law Courts will be closed on Friday, January 29, 2021, for disinfection.

This is in line with the ongoing measures to ensure the safety of court users by observing Covid-19 health protocols.

Normal services are set to resume on Monday, February 1, 2021.

In July 2020, the facility was closed for 14 days after one member of staff tested positive for Covid-19.

This prompted court activities to be moved online to prevent further spread of the virus.

Judiciary staff at Milimani Law courts receive basic supplies for prevention of the spread of Covid-19. [File, Standard]

Recently, researchers warned that Covid-19 infections and deaths are likely to peak in mid-March due to the reopening of schools.

Kemri-Wellcome Trust report dubbed Projections of Covid-19 cases and deaths following schools re-opening in January this year, projects a transmission rate of 25 per cent.

The report attributes the rise in infections to laxity in observing Covid-19 health guidelines and massive travels as learners reported back to school countrywide.

“We consider the most plausible effect of schools re-opening on January 4, to be that the transmission rate in Kenya will increase the time-varying reproductive number (Rt) by +25 per cent, and, increase mixing between social clusters that were not in contact whilst schools were closed,” reads the report.


It is estimated that more than 25 per cent increase of infections is conditional, if all other restriction measures remain in place.

In addition, researchers project that at least 137,000 new cases and 116 deaths will be reported in the country by June this year.

The report also projects that there will be 1.1 million infections, by then.