I am well: Government Spokesman Oguna denies being admitted in hospital

Government’s Spokesperson Colonel (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna (pictured) has dismissed reports of him being hospitalised in Nairobi with Covid-19.

The claim of Oguna testing positive for coronavirus was widely shared on social media at the weekend including by former Senior Director in the Presidential Strategic Communication Unit Dennis Itumbi.

Oguna, in a terse statement on Sunday night, said he was well and had just returned from an assignment out of town.

"We have noted reports on social media purporting that I have been admitted in hospital. I wish to clarify that I am well and just got back from an assignment out of town," he posted on Twitter.

Oguna is a member of the National Emergency Response Committee handling issues around the coronavirus. His team has been touring counties to assess their level of preparedness against the virus.

On July 18, they were in Embu County and convened a press conference at the end of the day. Yesterday, there was no such press conference as the Ministry of Health announced 603 new infections, nine deaths and 682 recoveries in a statement sent to newsrooms.

Itumbi has since updated his posts on social media to include Oguna's dismissal of the claim.