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Military officers prepare to carry the coffin of late former Kenya's President Daniel Arap Moi, draped in the National Flag, from the Lee Funeral Home as it arrives to Lie-in-State for public viewing at the Parliament Buildings in Nairobi
The body of former President Daniel Moi left Lee Funeral Home Saturday morning for Parliament Building.
The casket carrying the body was draped with the Kenyan flag and military colours and escorted by military officers.
The coffin of late former Kenya's President Daniel Arap Moi, draped in the National Flag, arrives for public viewing at the Parliament Buildings in Nairobi
This draping of the casket in military colours is practice that indicate that indeed the deceased is appreciated by the state.
Mzee Moi was the Commander in Chief of the armed forces for 24 years hence the reason the military has taken over the event.
The procession moved at a slow pace as it made way to Parliament buildings where it is expected to Lie-in-State for public viewing.