
Uhuru gets good rating on graft war

President Uhuru Kenyatta

A majority of Kenyans approve of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s effort in curbing corruption, a public opinion poll shows

The poll by Trends and Insight for Africa (Tifa) puts President Uhuru Kenyatta's approval rating at 76 per cent, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji at 69 per cent and Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) George Kinoti at 65 per cent.

The Judiciary got approval rating of 53 per cent, which according to Tifa could be driven by the long duration it takes to hear and conclude corruption cases while the police got the lowest approval rating of 25 per cent.

“Kenyans want to see conclusive action on the corruption cases where those found guilty of grand corruption are jailed. They also welcome more arrests and faster hearing of corruption cases,” said Tifa Chief Executive Officer Maggie Ireri.

According to the Tifa year-end poll, 56 per cent of Kenyans described 2018 as a bad year while 43 per cent termed it good.

The findings of the study also show that the high cost of living, at 58 per cent, was the main challenge faced during the year followed by unemployment at 14 per cent.

The survey was conducted between December 19 and 21, 2018, across a national sample of 1,267.

According to the survey, 67 per cent of Kenyans indicated that high cost of living worsened in 2018 compared to last year.

In November 2018, the 12-month inflation was at a high of 5.5 per cent, an increase attributed to the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) on petroleum products and also introduction of levies on mobile and cash transfers. 

Employment prospects had a poor rating. Kenyans were also hit hard by job losses as a number of companies downsized in a bid to stay afloat - following a tough political year that affected the economy.