Terror suspect slapped with more charges

By Lucianne Limo

The state has added more charges to a man charged with planning terror attacks.

Abdi Adan alias Salman Abdi, who denied ten counts of possessing explosives and cache of firearms, now faces 12 charges.

The Prosecutor Onesmus Biwott added two counts of lying to have lost his national identity card and applying for another one.

Abdi was charged alongside Abdimajid Yasin Mohamed who is facing 59 years behind bars after admitting to nine out of ten counts, including being a member of the Al Shabaab terror group.

The prosecutor on Wednesday applied to have the two cases and that of Musharaf Abdalla, who also goes with the aliases Shukri, Sharif, Alex Shikanda and Rashid Swaitan, and who faces similar charges be consolidated. The three were arrested in Eastleigh, Nairobi.

Abdi and Musharaf’s case will be heard together on December 14.

They were charged with others not before court with two counts of being in possession of two improvised explosive devises and four improvised explosive vests weighing 30kg.

He is also accused of possessing 12 live grenades, 481 rounds of 7.62mm special ammunition and four AK 47 rifles.

Musharraf is facing the tenth count of not having applied for an Identification card despite being over 18 years.

Last week, the prosecution opposed Musharaf’s bail application.