Former champions Kenya Police and DTE Western Jaguars will be the teams to beat during the Mombasa national hockey tournament that starts on Saturday at the Mombasa Sports Club.
The two-day tournament which will be played in a round-robin format has attracted 16 men and 10 women teams.
Kenya Police open their title chase with a match against Daystar University while the Jaguars take on Kenya College of Accountancy (KCA) in their opening match.
In another men’s match, Black Tankers face University of Nairobi while K-Town Pirates clash with United States International University (USIU).
In the boys’ category, reigning Coast Secondary Schools boys’ hockey champions St Lwanga play Black Tigers in their first match.
In the ladies’ category, Tunza Collegiate will take on Machako's Daystar University while St Charles Lwanga Girls who are also the Coast Secondary Schools champions entertain USIU.
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