The team of Andrew Gathere, Simon Mwangi, Joseph King’ola and Oscar Koitaba combined efforts to take the lead at the Royal Nairobi golf course in Nairobi, over the weekend.
The team returned a round net total score of 255 points to be crowned the overall winners of the first leg of the KCB East Africa Golf Tour that was graced by 200 golfers.
The handicap 10 Gathere, returned a nett score of 63 points to clinch the individual overall winner’s prize, beating the huge field of players at the event that marked the start of the 30-leg amateur series that will traverse 16 counties in Kenya and four additional countries in East Africa.
Simon Mwangi, playing off handicap 16, also returned 63 nett score to be named the men’s winner, while Esther Muia, who plays off handicap 48, returned 65 net score to bag the lady winner award.
“Indeed, it was a spectacular day on the course with an amazing group of people. Our victory was occasioned by our drive to win and the sheer passion for the game. The fact that it did not rain, allowed us to demonstrate our skills and I could not be proud of my teammates for this amazing feat," said Gathere on behalf of his team.
Gathere’s team defeated the four-ball of Esther Muia, Joel Karubiu, Pal Thethy and Berlyne Okeyo who registered a combined net score of 262 points to emerge the second best team in the tournament.
Aggrey Mulumbi, who plays off handicap 22, recorded 67 nett score to win the staff prize and Veronicah Ndungu, playing off handicap 54, was the guest winner with a nett score of 59 points.
Kigen Koitaba scooped the longest drive award in the men’s category, while Eunice Kilonzo won it in the ladies’ category.
Action now moves to the second leg of the KCB East Africa Golf Tour, which will be held at the Mombasa Golf Club on February 8.
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