An estimated over 300 Golfers are expected to grace the par 72 Royal Nairobi Golf course this Saturday in a challenging tournament whose leg offers a coveted chance to qualify for the grand finale scheduled to be held at Muthaiga Golf Club in November.
This ongoing NCBA Golf Series is the latest qualifying leg with home player and 2023 winner in this leg John Odhiambo among the Golfers set to battle for the top prize in the Club’s leg of the series.
Six players from each qualifying event including the top Male and Female finishers in Divisions One, Two, and Three, and the overall Junior winner will secure their spots in the final round.
This year’s edition launched at the Royal Nairobi Golf Club in February, has transversed beyond Kenya, featuring tournaments in Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda.
Over 100 golfers have already qualified based on their performance in previous events, with the latest qualifiers emerging from the recent regional qualifier in Rwanda, which culminated last weekend.
The Rwanda event last weekend, held at the Kigali Golf Resort and Villas, attracted over 180 players with three Golfers booking their slots for the upcoming finale based on their average scores from the two qualifying legs held in the Country.
The Rwandese Golfers include Paul Ntaganda, Murekatete Alphonsine and Bethlehem Umuzabibu who emerged top during the tournament.
Apart from the Royal Nairobi Golf Club qualifying leg, two more qualifier legs, Nyali Golf and Country Club and Great Rift Valley Lodge, are set to be played locally to set the stage for the grand finale.
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