Five suspects, who appeared before a Nakuru court charged with the murder of Molo civil rights activist Richard Otieno, will remain in custody after denying the charges.
Geoffrey Ndungu, Peter Oketch, Joseph Kihara, Stephen Masheti, and Evans Aseka, who appeared before Justice Patricia Gichohi, denied killing Otieno on 10 January 2025 in Elburgon, Nakuru County.
The prosecution, led by Emma Okok, opposed their release on bail.
An affidavit by Inspector of Police Patrick Wachira stated that the accused went into hiding in January, only to resurface later in Elburgon in February when they were arrested.
“The accused persons live in rental houses within Elburgon and Molo, and the same cannot be termed as a fixed place of abode, hence making them a flight risk,” submitted Wachira.
The court was also informed that Oketch and Kihara went into hiding in the neighbouring country, Tanzania, where they were hosted by relatives at Majahida Village.
Further, the detective submitted that Ndungu had previous criminal records, having been charged with assaulting Otieno in 2024, portraying his alleged tendency toward violence and crime.
Wachira insisted that Ndungu also had several unregistered phone numbers, allegedly meant to conceal his identity and location if released.
“Oketch is capable of organising further criminal activities, considering that he was responsible for planning and recruiting his co-accused to commit murder,” deposed Wachira.
The case will be mentioned on March 27.
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