President William Ruto has hit out at Cabinet Secretary for Public Service Justin Muturi, saying he proved to be incompetent as Attorney General.
Speaking at State House, Nairobi during an iftar session for muslim community members, Ruto accused Muturi of delaying the rollout of the Muslim Endowment Fund (Wadf) that had been proposed by muslim leaders.
"I agree with you that the Muslim Endowment Fund has taken too long. There is no reason. I had a problem with the AG who was there, he was fairly incompetent, but we now have a competent lady and I can assure you that the issue will be sorted out," Ruto stated.
According to Ruto, Muturi failed to handle the legal aspect concerning the establishment of the commission in charge of the management of Islamic endowment.
The fund is a form of charitable endowment where assets are dedicated permanently for religious or charitable purposes, with the income generated used to support ongoing charitable objectives like education, healthcare, and social services.
Muturi has been a critic of the Kenya Kwanza administration following the escalating cases of abductions in the country, especially after the Gen Z protests last year.
The Public Service CS served as the Attorney General between 2022 and 2024.
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