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The Wiper Party on Wednesday, January 15, expelled Daadab MP Farah Maalim from his position as Deputy Party leader.
In a press briefing, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka stated that Maalim was removed for violating the Party’s Constitution and infringing on human rights.
“For the avoidance of doubt, Farah Maalim, who until now served as Wiper’s deputy leader, stands expelled for violating the Constitution, infringing on the rights of Kenyans, and making offensive remarks against Kenyan mothers,” said Kalonzo.
The decision follows controversial comments made by Maalim during a recent tour of South Rift with President William Ruto. His remarks were widely criticised as offensive and abusive.
This is not the first time Maalim has faced backlash.
Last year, an undated video surfaced online showing him speaking in Somali, claiming that if he were president, he would have "slaughtered" 5,000 young protesters daily.
Despite clear evidence that the video was unedited, Maalim dismissed it as doctored.
“It’s all editing, cutting, and pasting—taking a word from here and another from there. It’s not an accurate picture,” he said during an interview with KTN.
Kalonzo condemned Maalim’s repeated remarks, saying that they insult both Kenyans and the Constitution he vowed to uphold.
Despite his expulsion from Wiper Party leadership, Maalim will retain his position as a Member of Parliament.
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